Fifth Generation Farm in Truxton, Missouri

Welcome to Cope Grass Farm, a multi-generational farm deeply rooted in Truxton, MO for over 150 years. Harry is a fourth-generation member of our farm, and his daughter, Sabrina, proudly represents the fifth generation of our family as we continue the legacy of our family’s commitment to providing nutrient dense food using natural farming techniques.

We embrace a non-judgmental approach to food and are here to help you navigate selecting higher quality ingredients for nutrient-dense diet free from unnecessary and harmful additives and practices. Go ahead – ask us! We’ll share what we know as we continue to learn and hone our skills and knowledge in an ever-changing world.

Regenerative Practices

In 1997 Harry started incorporating regenerative practices into our operations. This included rotational grazing to move our animals between pastures. We strive to maintain transparency about our practices, so questions and visits are welcomed!

Healthy soil is the foundation of a thriving farm, and regenerative practices are at the heart of our commitment to nurturing the land. Our fields are adorned with vibrant sunflowers, nutrient-rich red clover, nourishing milo, and hearty oats, which not only serve as feed for our animals but also act as natural fertilizers, enhancing the soil’s fertility. By fostering biodiversity, building organic matter, and improving water retention, regenerative practices help create a harmonious balance between our farm, the environment, and the community we serve.

brown cows

Grass-Fed, Grass-Finished

At Cope Grass Farm, we embrace diversification, raising a variety of livestock including beef, pork, lamb, duck, and turkey. By working in harmony with nature, we have discovered that it enables us to produce not only flavorful but also nutrient-dense food that benefits both our customers and the environment.

Discover the art of taste with our grass-fed and grass-finished meats. We prioritize the well-being of our animals and the exceptional quality of our products. By feeding our livestock with grass throughout their lives, we ensure that every bite delivers natural flavors and unrivaled tenderness. Experience the true essence of high-quality, natural meats that make every meal a moment to savor.

Nature’s Steward

As stewards of the land, we have obtained Audubon certification as a Grassland Bird Friendly beef producer. This prestigious certification recognizes our dedication to maintaining a thriving ecosystem that supports the diverse bird species found in our grasslands. We are honored to be one of only seven such certified farms in the state of Missouri. We joke with our customers when we visit the city that if you expect to visit the farm and find quiet tranquility, you’re mistaken. Our farm is a bustling ecosystem full of animals and all the noises they make! We love walking the farm and hearing life teeming with abundance.

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Championing Conservation — Honored with Leopold Conservation Award

At Cope Grass Farms, we’re truly humbled to have received the Leopold Conservation Award in 2023. This esteemed recognition highlights our deep commitment to conservation efforts on our farm. Through our passion for sustainable practices, we work tirelessly to enhance soil health, protect water resources, and preserve wildlife habitats. The Leopold Conservation Award underscores our ongoing mission to nurture a sustainable future for generations to come, and we’re honored to share our journey of environmental stewardship with you.

Leopold Conservation Award logo

Grab a Bite

Cope Grass Farms is now the grass fed beef supplier for Stacked, a burger restaurant in St. Louis! You can see their menu here

Inspecting the grass

Looking Forward

In our pursuit of continuous improvement, we constantly explore new and forgotten old ways of farming that can enhance our practices. We are unafraid to experiment and learn from both successes and failures. This relentless commitment to innovation ensures that we are always evolving and finding better ways to deliver the highest quality products to our customers. If you ever have questions, please ask!

We invite you to join us on this journey of sustainability, flavor, and community. With each purchase from Cope Farm, you are not only supporting a local, family-owned operation but also embracing a farm that cherishes the delicate balance between nature and agriculture. We look forward to sharing our passion for regenerative farming with you and providing you with the finest, most nourishing meats available.